Fig 8. Dynamics of the Ca2+ concentration in the intracellular compartment under synaptic stimulation for a blocked glutamate transporter (GluT) in comparison to the control condition.
a The astrocytic compartment was stimulated for 10 seconds with a Poisson spike train of 10 Hz. The corresponding glutamate concentration in the extracellular compartment as a function of time was calculated using the Tsodyks and Markram model. b Reduction of the Ca2+ response under block of the GluT as a function of the maximal pump current of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (INCXmax) and the volume ratio (ratioER) between the internal Ca2+ store and the intracellular compartment. The reduction was quantified by the difference of the average Ca2+ concentration under control condition and block normalized by the difference between the Ca2+ concentration in the control condition and the Ca2+ concentration without stimulation. Solid lines separate the parameter space concerning the reduction: larger than 80%, between 40% and 80% and under 40%. c-e Ca2+ response as a function of time for different values of INCXmax and ratioER correspond to a reduction of the Ca2+ signal of 29%, 67% and 97%. Solid and dashed lines correspond to control condition and block. The block was simulated by setting IGluTmax equal to 0 .