Figure 2. Tolerogenic MGCA egress from seminiferous tubules of normal mouse testes.
(A) After rabbit anti-LDH3 Ab injection, immune complexes appeared as rabbit IgG puncta (green) outside the occludin+ Sertoli cell barrier (red) in adult WT mouse testes (n = 7) surrounding approximately 18% of seminiferous tubules (B arrows, n = 5), but not in (C) testes of adult Ldh3 null mice (n = 7). (D) No immune complexes were detected in the testes of WT mice injected with rabbit anti-ZAN D3p18 Abs. Original magnification, ×800 (A); ×100 (B); ×800 (C); ×800 (D). Tolerance to LDH3 and ZAN were determined by serum IgG Ab responses to rLDH3 (E and F) or ZAN D3p18 (G) at 3 weeks after immunization with testis homogenate in adjuvant. (E) Comparison of rLDH3 responses between WT male mice (n = 5) and WT female mice (n = 5) and (F) between Ldh3 null male mice (n = 6) and WT male mice (n = 6) are shown. (G) Comparison of ZAN D3p18 responses between WT male mice (n = 5) and WT female mice (n = 3) is shown. Ab responses to (H) rLDH3 and (I) ZAN in WT male mice at 3 weeks after immunization with testis homogenate in adjuvants, with (n = 7) and without (n = 13) concomitant CD25 mAb (PC61) injection are shown. Data in E–I are from 3 independent experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, Mann-Whitney U tests.