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. 2017 Feb 5;7(5):1462–1486. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2770

Table A6.

Results from migrate‐N for model 2 including parameters, the mode of the posterior distribution of the migration parameter M and bounds of 95% confidence intervals, the Θ and N e m (product of M and Θ divided by 4). SEAO is the Southwast Atlantic Ocean and SWIO is the Southwest Indian Ocean basins, respectively

Species Parameter M mode M 2.5% M 97.5% Mean
Mustelus mustelus ΘSEAO 0.79 0.40 1.32 0.86
ΘSWIO 5.87 4.94 6.88 5.91
M SWIO→SEAO 37.95 29.00 49.70 38.63
N e m 7.50
Mustelus palumbes ΘSEAO 0.54 0.08 0.96 0.53
ΘSWIO 19.66 18.56 20.00 19.32
M SWIO→SEAO 4.25 2.00 7.80 4.81
N e m 0.57
Galeorhinus galeus ΘSEAO 0.10 0.00 1.60 0.23
ΘSWIO 98.10 76.80 100.00 90.01
M SWIO→SEAO 3.80 0.00 9.20 4.16
N e m 0.10
Triakis megalopterus ΘSEAO 1.38 0.28 15.36 4.77
ΘSWIO 6.82 5.64 8.04 6.85
M SWIO→SEAO 89.40 52.00 146.40 96.59
N e m 30.84