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. 2017 Feb 1;9(3):371–384. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201606664

Figure EV1. PERK activity in vivo in the mouse model.

Figure EV1

  1. Western blots of whole‐brain extracts of mice (wild‐type mouse: WT; P301S transgenic mouse: P301S, 2 months of age: 2m, 6 months of age: 6m; = 3 per group) were done with antibodies against phosphorylated PERK (pPERK), total PERK, phosphorylated EIF2A (pEIF2A), total EIF2A, phosphorylated NRF2 (pNRF2), and total NRF2. GAPDH was used as loading control.
  2. Quantification of (A). Data are mean + SEM. Statistical analysis was one‐way ANOVA followed by Student–Newman–Keuls post hoc test, *< 0.05, ***< 0.001 versus WT 6m; # < 0.05, ## < 0.01, ### < 0.001 versus P301S 2m, ns: not significant.