No changes were observed in: (A) fsting glucose; (B) fasting insulin; (C) HOMA-IR index at GD18.5; and (D) fasting plasma leptin at GD18.5. * indicates a main effect; # indicates a difference between groups with and without MI; and ^ indicates a difference between vitamin status groups, where a dashed line indicates the difference occurs in the group without MI, and a solid line indicates that the difference occurs in the group with MI. db/+ mice had higher fasting plasma leptin concentrations than WT mice, as indicated by **** (p < 0.0001). There was a significant effect of MI supplementation in db/+ mice on supplemented B2, as indicated by #### (p < 0.0001). There was also a significant difference between mice on supplemented B2 and the suboptimal B2 group, in the absence of MI—indicated by ^^ (p = 0.007). The opposite effect was observed in the presence of MI—indicated by ^^^ (p = 0.001). Mice in the supplemented B2 group also had lower leptin than mice in the normal B2 (p = 0.014) and vitamin mix (p = 0.010) groups in the presence of MI—indicated by the ^^ under the graph. n = 7–12 mice per group.