Growth of C. crescentus NA1000 in iron-deficient media. (A) Growth in NB (○) or NB containing 200 μM BP (•). Data points are means from two experiments; bars show the standard deviations. (B) Concentration dependence of inhibition by BP. White circles show growth in NB; darkening shades of gray circles show the effects of 50, 100, and 200 μM BP, and black circles show the effects of 100 μM enterobactin, added at 5 h. (C) Restoration of growth upon addition of ferrichrome. We added ferrichrome (10 μM) to NA1000 growing in NB (○) or NB plus 100 μM enterobactin (•) (from panel B) at 19 h (orange and red circles), and it restored the original growth rates. We repeated experiments shown in panels B and C several times; the plots represent a single experiment.