Fig. 3.
The N- and C-terminus of Fps1p are important for Sho1p interaction. (a) Schematic diagram of NubG and NubI MYTH prey constructs expressing full-length Fps1p (Fps1-FL), the Fps1p C-terminus (Fps1-C), the Fps1p N-terminus (Fps1-N), and the Fps1p transmembrane domain (amino acids 256–530; Fps1-TM). (b) Constructs from (a) were transformed into NMY51 reporter cells along with full-length Sho1p bait or Nft1p bait as an unrelated control and were spotted in triplicate onto solid media that selected for the plasmids only (−WU or −WL) or selected for an interaction between the bait and prey proteins (−WUAH or −WLAH). Note that, for a given media, all cells were spotted onto the same plate. Plates were incubated at 30 °C for 4 days and then imaged.