Themes, Major Findings, and Relevant Quotes Related to Social Influences on Alcohol Use During Pregnancy
Theme and Example Question | Major Finding | Relevant Quotes |
Partner support | ||
Do you think your opinion about alcohol use during pregnancy is shared by your partner? What is their opinion about alcohol use during pregnancy? |
Women’s partners tend to share similar views and discourage them from drinking while pregnant, with some notable exceptions |
[About her husband] “We went to a party and there was people drinking, or like a house party or a get- together, and there was people drinking. He’ll be like, ‘Let’s just go home.’” [Chicago, Hispanic, 18 – 24, recently had baby] |
Family/friend influences | ||
Do you think your opinion about alcohol use during pregnancy is shared by your family members? What are their opinions about alcohol use during pregnancy? |
Family and friends influence women’s alcohol behaviors both positively and negatively |
[Describing her mother] “She give me liquor when I’m pregnant. So I don’t think, you know, Ithink she care but she’ll be like, ‘Oh, it’s not going to hurt the baby, just have a little bit,’ you know.” [Chicago, Black/ African American, 18– 24, trying/planning to get pregnant] |
“It comes down to the person, to the people. I mean, you could have one good friend that says, ‘No don’t do it,’ and you could have an equally good friend that says, ‘Who cares?’” [Chicago, White, 18– 24, recently had baby] |
Response if offered a drink while pregnant or trying | ||
If there was a chance you might be pregnant and someone offered you a drink, what would you say or do? Why? |
If offered alcohol while pregnant, almost all of the women would turn that offer down, but a number of women did drink while pregnant or plan to drink while actively trying |
“You know, you don’t have to explain why you don’t want to drink. You know, if I say, ‘No,’ I say, ‘No.’” (REFUSE) [Atlanta, Black/African American, 18– 24, recently had baby] |
When they do decide to resist an offer of alcohol, the women endorsed each suggested option (just saying “no,” providing an explanation or excuse, avoiding the situation, and leaving) |
“Yeah, I’d make up an excuse not to drink. ‘I have a cold,’ or something. ‘I’m taking medication,’ some- thing.” (EXPLAIN) [Chicago, Hispanic, 18– 24, not trying to get pregnant] |
“Well, one thing is if you, if you’ve got five girlfriends and three of them are serious drinkers and you ain’t trying to drink, go out with the other two.” (AVOID) [Atlanta, Black, 25 – 35, trying to get pregnant] |
“I’m the type of person if I want to go, I’m uncomfortable, if I don’t feel comfortable, ‘Okay, I’m leaving. Have a good time.’ It doesn’t bother me.” (LEAVE) [Atlanta, Hispanic, 25 – 35, recently had baby] |