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. 2016 Jul 26;125(3):296–305. doi: 10.1289/EHP426

Table 5.

Residential use exposure: Ratios of GMs of dust pesticide concentrations between measurements taken in agricultural homes that were treated (high use) versus not treated (reference) for home, garden, or yard insects or weeds.

Author and year, state/pesticide Pesticide type Treatment typea Nsamples, high use Nsamples, reference GM ratio (high/reference)b ln-ratio Variance ln-ratio Probability Statistic ID
Deziel et al. 2013, California
Carbaryl Insecticide Ants/flies/roaches 36 32 2.3 0.81 0.10 1–19% 1
Carbaryl Insecticide Professional outdoor 17 44 1.2 0.19 0.16 0% 2
Carbaryl Insecticide Professional outdoor or indoor 7 44 0.41 –0.89 0.27 0% 3
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Bees/wasps/hornets 11 57 1.9 0.62 0.06 1–19% 4
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Professional outdoor 17 44 4.7 1.55 0.18 1–19% 5
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Professional outdoor or indoor 7 44 1.1 0.07 0.36 1–19% 6
Cypermethrin Insecticide Professional outdoor 17 44 3.3 1.20 0.18 ≥ 20% 7
Cypermethrin Insecticide Professional outdoor or indoor 7 44 1.4 0.34 0.25 ≥ 0% 8
Diazinon Insecticide Lawn/garden 38 30 1.7 0.55 0.07 ≥ 20% 9
Diazinon Insecticide Professional outdoor 17 44 3.0 1.09 0.18 1–19% 10
Diazinon Insecticide Professional outdoor or indoor 7 44 0.70 –0.36 0.41 1–19% 11
Methoxychlor Insecticide Professional outdoor 17 44 1.6 0.44 0.31 0% 12
Methoxychlor Insecticide Professional outdoor or indoor 7 44 0.22 –1.51 0.56 0% 13
Permethrin Insecticide Professional outdoor 17 44 3.5 1.25 0.12 0% 14
Permethrin Insecticide Professional outdoor or indoor 7 44 1.3 0.25 0.08 1–19% 15
Gunier et al. 2011, California
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Fleas/ticks 32 57 2.0 0.68 0.08 1–19% 16
Diazinon Insecticide Professional outdoor 89 89 2.6 0.94 0.23 1–19% 17
Phosmet Insecticide Professional outdoor 23 66 1.7 0.53 1.79 0% 18
Lu et al. 2000, Washington
DimethylOP Insecticide Fleas/ticks 16 84 0.33 –1.10 0.05 0% 19
DimethylOP Insecticide Garden insects 29 61 1.1 0.10 0.04 0% 20
DimethylOP Insecticide Lawn insects 31 69 1.4 0.37 0.03 1–19% 21
Golla et al. 2012, Iowa
Atrazine Herbicide Lawn 8 23 1.6 0.47 4.68 1–19% 22
Deziel et al. 2015a, California
2,4-D Herbicide Professional weeds 57 444 0.54 –0.62 0.05 ≥ 20% 23
2,4-D Herbicide Weeds 269 304 2.8 1.03 0.02 ≥ 20% 24
Carbaryl Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 0.72 –0.33 0.07 1–19% 25
Carbaryl Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 1.4 0.34 0.23 0% 26
Carbaryl Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 1.9 0.64 0.14 1–19% 27
Carbaryl Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 0.94 –0.06 0.07 1–19% 28
Carbaryl Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 0.88 –0.13 0.07 1–19% 29
Carbaryl Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 1.3 0.26 0.06 1–19% 30
Carbaryl Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 1.5 0.41 0.18 0% 31
Carbaryl Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 0.71 –0.34 0.12 0% 32
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 0.99 –0.01 0.02 1–19% 33
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 1.7 0.53 0.07 ≥ 20% 34
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 0.99 –0.01 0.04 1–19% 35
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 0.99 –0.01 0.02 0% 36
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 0.80 –0.22 0.02 1–19% 37
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 1.7 0.53 0.02 ≥ 20% 38
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 1.5 0.41 0.05 1–19% 39
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 0.85 –0.16 0.03 ≥ 20% 40
Chlorthal Herbicide Professional weeds 57 444 0.72 –0.33 0.09 0% 41
Chlorthal Herbicide Weeds 269 304 1.3 0.26 0.04 1–19% 42
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 0.70 –0.36 0.13 1–19% 43
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 1.2 0.18 0.36 0% 44
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 1.5 0.41 0.23 1–19% 45
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 0.95 –0.05 0.13 0% 46
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 1.1 0.10 0.13 1–19% 47
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 2.3 0.83 0.11 0% 48
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 4.0 1.39 0.26 1–19% 49
Cyfluthrin Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 6.8 1.92 0.17 1–19% 50
Cypermethrin Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 2.5 0.92 0.07 1–19% 51
Cypermethrin Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 0.91 –0.09 0.22 1–19% 52
Cypermethrin Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 1.9 0.64 0.13 0% 53
Cypermethrin Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 0.65 –0.43 0.07 0% 54
Cypermethrin Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 1.7 0.53 0.06 1–19% 55
Cypermethrin Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 1.2 0.18 0.06 0% 56
Cypermethrin Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 0.91 –0.09 0.16 ≥ 20% 57
Cypermethrin Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 2.3 0.83 0.09 0% 58
Diazinon Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 1.00 0.00 0.03 1–19% 59
Diazinon Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 1.4 0.34 0.09 0% 60
Diazinon Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 1.5 0.41 0.06 1–19% 61
Diazinon Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 0.87 –0.14 0.03 0% 62
Diazinon Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 0.92 –0.08 0.03 1–19% 63
Diazinon Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 1.5 0.41 0.03 ≥ 20% 64
Diazinon Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 1.5 0.41 0.07 1–19% 65
Diazinon Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 1.5 0.41 0.05 1–19% 66
Dicamba Herbicide Professional weeds 57 444 0.90 –0.11 0.06 ≥ 20% 67
Dicamba Herbicide Weeds 269 304 1.9 0.64 0.02 ≥ 20% 68
Mecoprop Herbicide Professional weeds 57 444 0.60 –0.51 0.06 1–19% 69
Mecoprop Herbicide Weeds 269 304 2.2 0.79 0.03 ≥ 20% 70
Permethrin Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 1.3 0.26 0.03 1–19% 71
Permethrin Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 0.91 –0.09 0.10 1–19% 72
Permethrin Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 2.3 0.83 0.06 ≥ 20% 73
Permethrin Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 1.2 0.18 0.03 1–19% 74
Permethrin Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 1.6 0.47 0.03 ≥ 20% 75
Permethrin Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 0.74 –0.30 0.02 0% 76
Permethrin Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 1.6 0.47 0.08 1–19% 77
Permethrin Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 0.97 –0.03 0.05 1–19% 78
Propoxur Insecticide Ants/cockroach 409 162 1.3 0.26 0.03 1–19% 79
Propoxur Insecticide Carpenter ants/termites 33 153 0.77 –0.26 0.09 0% 80
Propoxur Insecticide Fleas/ticks in the home 59 516 1.4 0.34 0.05 1–19% 81
Propoxur Insecticide Fleas/ticks on pets 147 428 1.3 0.26 0.03 1–19% 82
Propoxur Insecticide Flying insects 162 409 0.88 –0.13 0.03 1–19% 83
Propoxur Insecticide Lawn/garden insects 170 401 0.88 –0.13 0.03 0% 84
Propoxur Insecticide Professional indoor 66 437 0.89 –0.12 0.07 0% 85
Propoxur Insecticide Professional outdoor 139 355 0.80 –0.22 0.04 0% 86
Simazine Herbicide Professional weeds 57 444 1.1 0.10 0.03 1–19% 87
Simazine Herbicide Weeds 269 304 1.1 0.10 0.01 0% 88
Note: GM, geometric mean; Statistic ID is a unique identifier assigned to each GM ratio: It was used in the mixed-effects modeling [see “Appendix 1. Statistical (SAS) Code for Meta-Regression Models for Pesticide Exposure Pathways” in Supplemental Material]. aProfessional describes a pest treatment applied by a commercial applicator, while the other treatments describe those done by a resident. bExcept for Lu et al. (2000) and Golla et al. (2012), the ratio was obtained from regression models and as a result the GMs for reference and comparison groups were not available.