Figure 5. Dose response of isolated mesenteric resistance arteries to arginine vasopressin after burn.
Vascular reactivity of isolated mesenteric arteries to arginine vasopressin was measured in pressure myography experiments. Data are mean±SEM. *: p<0.05 vs. control. A. Vasoconstriction is expressed as % of the outer diameter (% o.d.) measured before phenylephrine administration. Open squares: Arteries from control animals (n = 7). Grey circles: Arteries from animals 24h post-burn (n = 6). Grey diamonds: Arteries from animals 168h post-burn (n = 6). Dose response curves were calculated with non-linear regression analyses. B. Half-maximal effective concentrations (EC50, pM) from A. C. Hill slopes from A. D. Maximum responses (top plateau - % o.d.) from A.