Fig. 3.
Biomarker performances for prediction of AKI. Blue boxes correspond with the primary endpoint (i.e. AKI stage ≥1 within 48 h after t1), orange boxes with the secondary endpoint (i.e. AKI stage ≥2 within 12 h after t1). ΔSCr represents ΔSCrtx-t0, which is the absolute change in SCr between SCrtx and SCrt0. Biomarkers were measured a at ICU admission (t1), b 2 h after ICU admission (t2) and c 4 h after ICU admission (t3). AKI acute kidney injury, h hour, ICU intensive care unit, SCHI3L1 serum chitinase 3-like protein 1, SCr serum creatinine, UCHI3L1 urinary chitinase 3-like protein 1, UNGAL urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin