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. 2017 Feb;14(127):20160847. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0847

Table 2.

The parameter values used in the stochastic EVD model, as reported in [10].

description parameter value
1/host life span (and birth rate) μ 0.00005 d−1
contact rate for infectious βi 0.5 d−1
contact rate for deceased βd 0.6 d−1
contact rate for hospitalized βh 0.00016 d−1
1/latency period σ 0.1 d−1
1/recovery period (no hospital) γir 0.07 d−1
death rate from EVD μe 0.12 d−1
1/mean time to hospitalization τ 0.2 d−1
1/burial time δ 0.33 d−1
1/recovery period (hospital) γhr 0.10 d−1
reservoir transmission κ 5 × 10−9 d−1