Figure 2. Characteristics of tandem 3′ UTRs during the anti-VSV immune response.
(a) Characteristics of the average tandem 3′ UTR length during the anti-VSV immune response. Human and mouse showed similar patterns. (b) The number of poly(A) site-switched genes at consecutive time points in human MDMs upon VSV infection. (c) Poly(A) site switching at consecutive time points in human MDMs upon VSV infection. The x axis denotes TSI, and a larger positive value indicates that longer tandem 3′ UTRs were observed at later time points. Genes with significant switching to longer (blue) or shorter (red) tandem 3′ UTRs at later time points (FDR=0.01) are coloured accordingly. The y axis denotes the logarithm of the expression level of genes from later time points relative to earlier samples. (d) Venn diagram showing the overlap of DEGs and poly(A) site-switched genes.