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. 2017 Mar 1;17:184. doi: 10.1186/s12879-017-2267-2

Table 4.

Distribution of strains and clustering rate in the Study Area (N = 281)

Characteristics of the isolates Number(%) of isolates in the study sites P-value
Weliso Atat Fiche
Total spolygotyped isolates 134 (47.7) 50 (17.8) 97 (34.5)
Clustered isolates versus single
 Clustered 112 41 70 0.163
 Single 22 9 27
 Clustering rate 83.6% 82% 72.2%
Major lineage by CBBN
 EA 115 43 86 0.877
 EAI 10 4 4
 IO 7 2 6
 MA 2 1 1
The three dominant Strains
 SIT 53 19 6 18 0.109
 SIT 149 17 9 11
 SIT 54 21 8 5
 Orphan strains 21 10 26

EA Euro-American, EAI East-African Indian, IO Indo-Oceanic, MA M. africanum, MB Mbovis, CBN conformal Bayesian network