Fig. 2.
Correlating MARS-Seq-derived single-cell transcriptomes from fresh (red) and cryopreserved (blue) HEK293 cells identify subpopulations. a Pearson’s correlation analysis between 20 randomly selected fresh and cryopreserved cells displaying the correlation coefficient (r2). b Distribution of Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r2) within and between processing conditions. The median coefficients are indicated. c Pearson’s correlation analysis between 20 randomly selected fresh and cryopreserved HEK293 or K562 cells displaying the correlation coefficient (r2). d–f Linear regression model comparing average gene expression levels of (d) expressed, (e) cell cycle (G2/M checkpoint, and (f) apoptosis genes. The coefficient of determination (r2) is indicated. g Hierarchical clustering of single cells based on transcriptional programs (defined by Gene Ontology) and correlating gene sets [21]. Transcriptional programs and gene clusters are summarized in aspects. Displayed are the most variable aspects (rows) and their importance (row colors). Cells are assigned to condition (fresh: red; cryopreserved: blue) and clusters. h A t-SNE representation of similarities between cells using previous defined distances and cluster identity (as in g). Conditions are indicated (fresh: circle; cryopreserved: triangle). i Hierarchical cluster of single cells (as in g) displaying the 25 most variable cell cycle genes (G2/M checkpoint). Expression levels of the cell cycle signature are summarized (first panel; high: orange, low: green) and conditions (second panel; fresh: red; cryopreserved: blue) and clusters are indicated