Fig. 3.
Relative testes/body weight ratio of all different studied groups. The values are expressed as mean ± SD. Number of rats in each group = 12. Values with different superscripts within the same column are statistically significant between groups at p < 0.05. C group: Control group; R group: Rats were irradiated with γ-radiation (total dose: 8 Gy); H group: Rats were administered with 200 mg of hesperidin (H) kg−1 body mass (b.m.), since H was dissolved in 1 ml of 99.6% DMSO; V group: Rats were administered with 1 ml of 99.6% DMSO kg−1 (b.m); HR group: Rats were treated with the same dose of H before their irradiation with the same dose of γ-radiation; RH group: Rats were irradiated with the same dose of γ-radiation then they treated with the same dose of H