Figure 1. The Rac1 inhibitor EHop-016 impairs phagocytosis in TM-1 cells.
(A) Following a 4 h challenge with pHrodo bioparticles, TM-1 cells treated with 50μM EHop-016 demonstrated a visible reduction in the uptake of the bioparticles compared to vehicle-treated control TM-1 cells or cells treated with the other inhibitors. By phase microscopy the treatment of TM-1 cells with the various inhibitors did not appear to alter the morphology of cells compared to control TM-1 cells. Scale bar = 20μm. Images are representative of results from 3 independent experiments. (B) Quantification of the uptake of the bioparticles by FACS showed that phagocytosis was significantly reduced (*) by 75% (p<0.05) in cells treated with EHop-016 compared to untreated cells. In contrast, uptake of the bioparticles was not significantly reduced compared to the control cells following treatment with the other inhibitors. Phagocytic activity was determined by measuring the mean fluorescence intensity (%MFI) ± SEM of pHrodo particles in 4 independent experiments. (C) HTM cells treated with 25 μM EHop-16 showed a 49% (*p<0.05) reduction in phagocytosis compared to untreated and cells treated with 50 μM EHop-16 showed a significant reduction (**) of 81% (p<0.01) compared to untreated in 3 independent experiments done in triplicates. The other inhibitors, NSC23766 and EHT 1864, did not show a significant reduction in phagocytosis compared to the untreated cells. The lower concentration (30μM) of NSC23766 was used in the study with the normal HTM cells, because the higher concentration (60μM) proved toxic (data not shown).