Topical application of AS1411 results in uptake by corneal cells in vivo. (A) Representative corneal flat mounts harvested 2 h post topical application of 1 nmol FL-AS1411 or FL-Control [scale bar = 0.5 mm]. (B) Quantitation of fluorescent signal per area of topically treated corneas (p = 0.002, n = 6 for each of FL-AS1411, FL-Control). (C) Higher magnification of flat mounts from FL-AS1411 or FL-Control treated cornea. Scale bar = 60 µm. Arrows indicate nuclear localization. (D) A representative image from a series of confocal laser scanned micrographs of a corneal epithelial cell showing FL-AS1411 in the nucleus (black/white arrow) and cytoplasm (white arrow). Asterisks indicate areas of wrinkling, typical of superficial epithelial cells. Scale bar = 20 µm. (E) Transverse sections of corneas topically treated with FL-AS1411 or FL-Control shows FL-AS1411 in all layers of the cornea. Basal and polygonal cells of the epithelium are indicated by arrows. FL-Control was observed only in the superficial squamous cell layer of the epithelium. Asterisks indicate the anterior limiting lamina. Scale bar = 60 µm. (F) Higher magnification of the deeper layers of the epithelium, the stroma and the endothelium show FL-AS1411 permeation of these layers, while FL-Control is undetectable. Scale bar = 30 µm n = 4 eyes/2 mice for each of FL-AS1411, FL-Control. Epi-epithelium; St-stroma; End-endothelium.