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. 2017 Feb 7;32(4):628–635. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2017.32.4.628

Table 1. Characteristics of trials included in the final meta-analysis (n = 14).

No. Source (project name) Journal Country Design (type of prevention) Participants (average age, yr; Women, %) Duration of supplemen-tation, yr (follow-up period, yr) Intervention vs. control No. of bladder cancer patients/No. of participants
Intervention Control
1 1977 Byar et al. Urology USA OLRCT (Secondary) 118 patients with stage Ⅰ bladder cancer (NA) 2 (2.0) 25 mg of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) vs. placebo per day 15/32 29/48
2 1994 Lamm et al. J Urol USA RDBPCT (Secondary) 65 bladder cancer (67; 17) 3.8 (3.8) RDA plus 14/35 24/30
40,000 IU of vitamin A + 100 mg of vitamin B6 + 2,000 mg of vitamin C + 400 IU of vitamin E + 90 mg of zinc vs. RDA multivitamin per day
3 1994 ATBC N Engl J Med Finland RDBPCT (Primary) 29,133 male smokers 50 to 69 years of age (57; 0) 1.5 (1.5) 50 mg of vitamin E + 20 mg of beta carotene vs. placebo per day Vit E 79/14,560 Vit E 76/14,573
Beta carotene 81/14,564 Beta carotene 74/14,569
4 1996 CARET J Natl Cancer Inst USA RDBPCT (Primary) 18,314 men and women at high risk of developing lung cancer (58; 44) 4 (4.0) 30 mg of beta-carotene + 25,000 IU of vitamin A vs. placebo per day 42/9,420 36/8,894
5 1999 WHS J Natl Cancer Inst USA RDBPCT (Primary) 39,876 healthy women (55; 100) 2.1 (4.1) 50 mg of beta-carotene vs. placebo on alternate day 5/19,939 6/19,937
6 2000 Decensi et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev Italy RDBPCT (Secondary) 99 subjects with resected superficial bladder cancer (63; 19) 2 (3.0) 200 mg of fenretinide (vitamin A) per day vs. no treatment 22/49 29/50
7 2000 PHS Cancer Causes Control USA RDBPCT (Primary) 22,071 US male physicians (40–84; 0) 13(13.0) 50 mg of beta-carotene vs. placebo on alternate day 62/11,036 41/11,035
8 2002 NPC Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev USA RDBPCT (Primary) 1,250 nonmelanoma skin cancer patients (63; 25) 13 (13.0) 200 µg of selenium vs. placebo per day 10/621 8/629
9 2003 IHNCSG Oncol Rep Italy OLRCT (Primary) 214 patients with a radically treated stage Ⅰ–Ⅱ squamous head and neck tumor (61; 18) 3 (5.0) 75 mg of beta-carotene daily for 3-month cycles within 1-month intercycle intervals vs. no treatment 1/104 0/110
10 2005 Bairati et al. J Clin Oncol Canada RDBPCT (Primary) 540 patients with stage Ⅰ or Ⅱ head and neck cancer (63; 21) 3 (4.3) 400 IU of α-tocopherol (vitamin E) + 30 mg of beta-carotene vs. placebo per day 2/273 0/267
11 2008 Sabichi et al. Clin Cancer Res USA RDBPCT (Secondary) 137 patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder TCC (67; 18) 1 (1.3) 200 mg of fenretinide (vitamin A) vs. placebo per day 22/70 22/67
12 2010 Nepple et al. J Urol USA RDBPCT (Secondary) 670 patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (68; 24) 3.1 (4.0) 36,000 IU of vitamin A + 25 mg of vitamin B6 + 2,000 mg of vitamin C + 1,600 IU of vitamin D + 400 IU of vitamin E + 1.6 mg of folate + 30.4 mg of zinc vs. RDA vitamin per day 118/334 113/336
13 2012 SELECT J Urol USA, Canada, Puerto Rico RDBPCT (Primary) 34,888 men (62; 0) 6 (7.1) 200 µg of selenium + 400 IU of vitamin E vs. placebo per day 171/26,192 53/8,696
14 2012 Mazdak et al. Int J Prev Med Iran OLRCT (Secondary) 46 patients with a single, low-grade, superficial bladder cancer (60; 11) 2 (2.0) 400 IU of vitamin E per day vs. no treatment 4/21 9/25

NA = not applicable, ATBC = the Alpha-tocopherol Beta-carotene Cancer Prevention Study, CARET = the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial, IHNCSG = the Italian Head and Neck Chemoprevention Study Group, NPC = Nutritional Prevention of Cancer, PHS = the Physicians' Health Study, RDA = recommended daily allowance, SELECT = Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trials, WHS = the Women's Health Study.