A2A and NO signaling pathway regulate the expression of VEGF in normal and late-onset pre-eclampsia. In human feto-placental endothelium from normal pregnancy, activation of A2A adenosine receptor triggers an intracellular pathway involved increased generation of cAMP, activation (serine1175 phosphorylation) of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), and generation of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine. Nitric oxide increases mRNA levels of VEGF via unknown (?) mechanism(s), which may include protein nitration. This A2A-NO-VEGF pathway can lead to a pro-angiogenic behavior of feto-placental endothelium, since it can stimulate cell proliferation/migration and tube formation. In LOPE, this A2A-mediated intracellular pathway is elevated (⇪), in particular eNOS activation, NO synthesis, and VEGF expression. Upregulation of A2A-NO-VEGF pathway observed in LOPE may constitute a compensatory mechanism to hypoxia in the placenta