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. 2017 Feb 3;14(2):143. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14020143

Table 5.

Correlated random-effects ordered logit model without economic deprivation—All countries (Log-likelihood = −72,016.849; ICC = 0.538; AIC = 144,129.70; BIC = 144,523.29).

Odds Ratio St. Err. z-Value p-Value Inf95% Sup95%
Employment status (ref.: Full-time permanent)
Part-time permanent 0.878 0.049 −2.330 0.020 0.787 0.979
Full-time temporary 0.889 0.045 −2.310 0.021 0.804 0.983
Part-time temporary 0.929 0.093 −0.730 0.465 0.763 1.131
Unemployed 0.790 0.043 −4.330 0.000 0.710 0.879
Self-employed 1.068 0.084 0.840 0.402 0.916 1.245
Other 0.937 0.049 −1.230 0.218 0.845 1.039
Country (ref.: Sweden)
Austria 1.068 0.167 0.420 0.675 0.786 1.451
Belgium 0.500 0.078 −4.460 0.000 0.369 0.678
Bulgaria 0.269 0.041 −8.620 0.000 0.200 0.363
Cyprus 1.321 0.217 1.700 0.089 0.958 1.822
Czech Republic 0.239 0.036 −9.500 0.000 0.178 0.321
Denmark 0.536 0.109 −3.060 0.002 0.360 0.799
Estonia 0.101 0.019 −12.240 0.000 0.070 0.146
Greece 3.634 0.574 8.180 0.000 2.667 4.951
Finland 0.231 0.045 −7.560 0.000 0.158 0.337
France 0.296 0.040 −8.960 0.000 0.227 0.386
Iceland 1.813 0.391 2.760 0.006 1.189 2.766
Italy 0.102 0.014 −16.220 0.000 0.077 0.134
Latvia 0.031 0.005 −20.540 0.000 0.022 0.043
Lithuania 0.024 0.004 −22.040 0.000 0.018 0.034
Luxembourg 0.237 0.034 −10.180 0.000 0.180 0.313
Malta 0.218 0.034 −9.700 0.000 0.161 0.297
The Netherlands 0.456 0.074 −4.850 0.000 0.333 0.627
Norway 0.436 0.070 −5.200 0.000 0.319 0.596
Poland 0.149 0.022 −13.180 0.000 0.112 0.198
Portugal 0.043 0.007 −19.750 0.000 0.032 0.059
Romania 0.924 0.145 −0.510 0.612 0.680 1.255
Slovakia 0.220 0.033 −10.140 0.000 0.164 0.294
Slovenia 0.150 0.025 −11.480 0.000 0.108 0.207
Spain 0.150 0.023 −12.330 0.000 0.111 0.203
United Kingdom 0.778 0.165 −1.180 0.237 0.513 1.179
Unempl. country-by-year 1.015 0.005 3.100 0.002 1.006 1.025
Log-income 1.047 0.031 1.540 0.124 0.987 1.111
Female 0.828 0.025 −6.240 0.000 0.780 0.878
Age at baseline 1.072 0.012 5.960 0.000 1.048 1.096
Squared age 1.015 0.005 3.100 0.002 1.006 1.025
Education (ref.: primary)
secondary 1.206 0.042 5.330 0.000 1.126 1.292
tertiary 1.647 0.068 12.000 0.000 1.518 1.787
Marital status (ref.: cohab. with legal basis)
cohab. without legal basis 0.924 0.044 −1.660 0.096 0.842 1.014
single 1.070 0.040 1.840 0.066 0.996 1.151
Year (ref.: 2009)
2010 0.990 0.022 −0.460 0.647 0.948 1.033
2011 0.988 0.022 −0.570 0.567 0.946 1.031
2012 0.968 0.021 −1.500 0.133 0.927 1.010
Var. to control correlated random-effects
Avg. income 1.672 0.069 12.510 0.000 1.542 1.812
Emp. 2009 1.033 0.021 1.600 0.110 0.993 1.074
Emp. 2010 1.039 0.025 1.610 0.108 0.992 1.089
Emp. 2011 0.943 0.022 −2.460 0.014 0.900 0.988
Emp. 2012 1.012 0.021 0.580 0.562 0.972 1.053
Threshold 1 −11.955 0.253 −47.210 0.000 −12.451 −11.459
Threshold 2 −9.894 0.174 −56.870 0.000 −10.235 −9.553
Threshold 3 −4.846 0.151 −32.160 0.000 −5.142 −4.551
Threshold 4 0.618 0.149 4.150 0.000 0.326 0.910
σ^α2 3.831 0.066 3.704 3.962