Figure 4.
Temperature evolution of the mass magnetic susceptibility, χmass, of the (a) GN0.015 and (b) GN0.033 sample recorded under an external magnetic field of 1 kOe. The insets in panel (a) and (b) show the temperature profile of χmass after subtraction of the diamagnetic component and behavior of the 5 K hysteresis loop of the GN0.015 and GN0.033 sample, respectively. (c) Temperature evolution of χmass for the GN0.051 sample recorded under an external magnetic field of 1 kOe with the Curie temperature, TC, indicated. The insets show the trend of χmass at low temperatures and the temperature profile of the FM contribution, χmass,ferro, derived from fitting the measured χmass. (d) Hysteresis loop of the GN0.051 sample measured at a temperature of 5 K. The insets show the behavior of the hysteresis loop around the origin with the coercivity marked and field-dependent profiles of magnetization for the ferromagnetic, Mferro, and paramagnetic, Mpara, component derived from fitting the measured isothermal magnetization curve. (e) Scheme showing different magnetic fractions in the GN0.051 sample and their respective profiles of χmass.