Metabolic activity as determined by the alamar blue assay of free and encapsulated APIs under normoxia and hypoxia. The experiments were performed 4 times, each with islets from separate islet isolation, and representative experiments are shown in Figures 3A, 3B, and 3C. The metabolic activity (fluorescence arbitrary unit FAU, n=5) was determined at each time point after being normalized to Day 0, and is shown as the average ± standard deviation (SD). Statistically significant differences (#, $ and *) among all groups (n=5 each) was performed using non-parametric ANOVA post hoc analysis (p≤0.05). AB ratio is the ratio of fluorescence at each time point to the fluorescence of the same well at day 0. NF1 and NF6 = Free APIs under normoxia on Days 1 and 6 of culture; HF1 and HF6 = Free APIs under hypoxia on Days 1 and 6 of culture; NE1 and NE6 = Encapsulated APIs under normoxia on Days 1 and 6 of culture; HE1 and HE6 = Encapsulated APIs under hypoxia on Days 1 and 6 of culture.