Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of Tunisian L. micranthus-associated (Lmi) isolates and reference strains based on gyrB (623 bp) sequences. Bootstrap values were calculated for 1,000 replications, and those greater than 60% are indicated at the internodes. Tunisian Lmi isolates with identical gyrB sequences were collapsed in group VII: LmiM8, LmiE10, LmiH9, LmiE9, LmiH1, LmiB17, LmiB20, LmiB18, LmiB6, LmiB21, LmiB24, LmiE5, LmiE6, LmiH5, LmiH6, LmiH8, LmiH10, LmiM7, LmiM9, and LmiM10 (accession numbers KX784068 to KX784087). Other accession numbers from the GenBank database are shown in parentheses. B., Bradyrhizobium; M., Microvirga; Me., Methylobacterium.