Figure 7. SGA levels in wild-type potato plants, and antisense asDWF1 and asDWF1-L transformants.
(a) SGA levels in leaves of wild-type cv. Désirée plants (n = 5), asDWF clone #3 (n = 4) and asDWF1-L clone #36 (n = 2). (b) SGA levels in un-treated control tubers, and in tubers exposed to wounding (2 d), or continuous white light (7 d). Mean ± s.d. or range, for analyses of wild-type, asDWF1 clone #3 (n = 5) and asDWF1-L clone #36 (n = 3). Sampling was performed at least at three separate occasions during a time period of more than one year. Each sample consisted of 2–3 pooled tubers from batches that had been harvested, stored and treated in parallel for each series of experiment. Asterisks indicate a difference from wild-type plants significant at p < 0.05 (*), or p < 0.001 (***) (Student´s t-test).