Fig. 4.
Shared gene expression changes in repeated ECS-treated DG, chronic SSRI-treated DG and hippocampus of mutant mice with altered DG maturation. a, Scatter correlation graph of gene expression changes [log2(fold-change)] between repeated ECS-treated and chronic SSRI-treated DGs. The gene probes (3,531) that showed significant changes by either ECS- or SSRI-treatment in microarray analysis are shown. The eight groups that were categorized according to expression change by ECS and/or SSRI treatment were color-coded. b, The number of genes that showed significant expression changes by either ECS- or SSRI-treatment are represented in a Venn diagram. The color corresponds to that in (a). c, Scatter correlation graph illustrating the fold change for gene expression levels in the DG from repeated ECS-treated mice, the hippocampus from Shn-2 KO mice (558 gene probes, left), and the hippocampus from αCaMKII hetero KO mice (190 gene probes, right). The genes that showed statistically significant and more than 1.2-fold changes in both the DG from ECS-treatment mice and the hippocampus from mutant mice were selected