Table 5.
Indications for measuring BMD (13)
Older adults (age >50 yr) | Younger adults (age <50 yr) |
Age ≥65 yr (both women and men) Clinical risk factors for fracture (menopausal women, men aged 50–64 yr)
Fragility fracture Hypogonadism or premature menopause (age<45 yr) Malabsorption syndrome Prolonged use of glucocorticoids* Use of other high-risk medications** Primary hyperparathyroidism Other disorders strongly associated with rapid bone loss and/or Fracture |
BMD: bone mineral density; yr: years; kg: kilogram
At least 3 months cumulative therapy in the previous year at a prednisone-equivalent dose of 7.5 mg
Aromatase inhibitors or androgen deprivation therapy use of thiazolidinediones, proton pump inhibitors