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. 2016 Nov 15;7(1):65–79. doi: 10.1007/s13555-016-0155-0

Table 2.

Verruciform xanthomas of the scrotum

Case AO (year) Duration Race Location Morphology Color Sizea Ref.
1 19 20 years NA L Lob, ML Pinkish 32 mm [24]
2 19 NA NA NA NA NA 15 × 11 mm [36]
3 35 NA N NA Cyst, crateriform NA 0.8 cm [18]
4 40 W R Ped, v NA 9 × 5 mm [28]
5 40 7 years NA NA Ped, flat, g surf, caul Pink 1 cm [41]
6 40 20 years NA NA 3 nod, pebbly surf Y–R 7, 9, and 12 mm [33]
7 44 3 years NA NA Ped, spherical, g surf, caul Pink 3 cm [41]
8 49 2–3 years J L Elastic soft, ped, g surfb R w Y 10 mm [34]
9 50 Few months B L V, fil p Pink 4 × 2 mm [27]
10 50 2 years B NA Sessile plaque NA 1.2 cm [32]
11 53 >1 year NA NA Wl, polypoid NA 0.5 cm [18]
12 59 4 years NA NA Mult p Pink 1–1.5 cm [22]
13 59 3 years NA NA Polyp v nod, pebbly surf Y–R 6 mm [33]
14 59 3 week NA L Fil p R 5 × 4 × 4 mm [63]
15 63 4 years J R Ped, v, occ bleeding R-pink 2.5 × 2.5 cm [30]
16 63 NA NA NA V nodc Whitish 4 mm [31]
17 64 3.5 years NA NA polypoid NA 1.8 cm [18]
18 66 1 year J NA 2 ker pap Y 4 mm [25]
19 68 2 years NA R ML nods E 20 mm [21]
20 68 12 years J R Ped, v tumor Pink 10 mm [42]
21 70 3 years NA L SL ped nods E 30 mm [21]
22 71 5 years J R Ped, elastic, soft nod, ML, erosive surf R 7 × 10 mm [35]
23 72 2 years NA L Nods Pink 6 mm [21]
24 74 1 year J L Well-def Pinkish 13 mm [23]
25 75 10 months J R Soft, ped, gran Y 3 cm [29]
26 75 1 year Polyp v nod, pebbly surfd Y–R 7 mm [33]
27 78 1 year J L Firm p surround ped node Y–R 2–5 mm [25]
28 78 NA NA WL, p Pink NA [26]
29 80 3 years W L p R 8 × 5 mm CR
30 82 6 months W L Ped, soft, ML Pinkish 15 mm [24]
31 83 5 years NA NA Ped, soft, ML Pink 25 mm [24]
32–135 e–j V, WL [2, 26, 34, 46, 56]

AO age onset, B Black, C case, caul cauliflower-like, CR current report, fil filiform, g granular, J Japanese, L location, m months, ML mulberry-like, mult multiple, NA not available, nod(s) nodule(s), occ occasional, p papules, ped pedunculated, poly polypoid, R red, Ref reference, SL strawberry-like, surf surface, v verrucous, w with, wk weeks, WL wart like, Y yellow, y year(s)

aSize is reported as given in the case reports. This is measured in either in diameter, length × width, or length × width × height

bThree red papules about 1 mm in diameter were scattered in the surrounding area of the lesion. The patient noticed a nodule on the nonpsoriatic part of his scrotum while receiving systemic and topical PUVA therapy. The nodule appeared when the cumulative UVA dosage reached 27.6 J/cm2

cThis patient had four 2–3-mm diameter red papules adjacent to his 7 mm verrucous nodule

dThe patient also had a pulsating subcutaneous induration covered by lightly purplish skin under his scrotal nodule

eJoshi and Ovhal [2] documented a case of a single scrotal lesion that was diagnosed as a verruciform xanthoma in their report. There was no other information available on the patient

fMehra et al. stated that one patient in their study had 2 scrotal lesions appearing at different times in the same year [46]. No other information about the lesions was given

gFukuda H and Saito R performed a review of the Japanese dermatological literature in 2005 and found 100 scrotal cases that were not cited in this review. 36.3% of the lesions were on the left of the scrotum, 31.4% were on the right of the scrotum, 6.9% were bilateral, and 25.4% did not specify [34]

hFurue et al. conducted a study using a sample from a scrotal verruciform xanthoma from a 69-year-old man. No other information about the patient was reported [56]

iHelm et al. reported an additional scrotal case with no other information [26]