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. 2016 Nov 15;7(1):65–79. doi: 10.1007/s13555-016-0155-0

Table 3.

Verruciform xanthomas of the female genitalia

Case AOa (year) Duration Race Loc Morphology Color Sizeb A.C. Ref.
1c 15 days 17 years NA R ing fold Wd, v plaque E NA CHILD [59]
2d 1 1 year NA L lab min V plaque Y 7 × 5 cm NR [51]
3 5 6 years C Vulva V lesion E, Y 6 × 6 cm CHILD [47]
4e 8a NA Col R lab maj Thick v lesion Brown NA CHILD [60]
5 12 17 years B Vulva Mult v, inv lesions NA NA NR [54]
6 15a Childhood NA L groin, ext gen Soft, exudating Pink NA CHILD [49]
7 16 9–12 m NA L lab maj Gran, v W-tan 1.5 cm NA [75]
8 16a Lifelong NA L inguinal area V lesion w small nod Y-tan 6 × 3 cm CHILD [52]
9f 30 NA NA L lab min Poly R 2.5 cm NR [76]
38 Wl 5.0 cm
10g 22 20 years W Genital mucosa Mult v ind R 0.3–2.5 cm NR [48]
11 27a Since childhood W L vulva and per Ver hyperker R NA CHILD [44]
12 43a NA W Clitoris Hyperker, caul, v, wl lesion Grayish white 13 mm LS [54]
13 44 8 months NA NA NA NA 13 × 10 mm NA [36]
14h 44 1 month NA L lab maj Scaly plaque Pink 3–4 mm NR [53]
15 46 Several years J L lab maj Soft, ped nod w new gran lesion Brown w Y 35 × 24 × 22 mm FEP [57]
16 48 2 years J Vulva V surf, wd O–R NA SL, LC [50]
17 51 NA NA Lab min V lesion, ind Y–O NA LP [43]
18 51 NA NA Clitoris Ind plaque Y–O 4 mm LS [43]
19 57 NA NA Lab min Mult ind plaques Y–O 20 mm LS [43]
20 63 NA NA Lab min Ind plaque Y–O 5 mm LS [43]
21 65a NA NA Vulva Plaque NA 1.5 cm LMM [55]
22 73 NA NA Lab maj Leucoplasia Y–O 4 mm LS [43]
23 75 NA NA Fourchette Ind plaque Y–O 10 mm LS [43]
24i 77 NA NA Clitoris Ind plaque Y–O 2 mm LS [43]
25 77 NA NA Lab maj Ind plaque Y–O 15 mm LP [43]
26 79 NA NA Fourchette Ind plaque Y–O 3 mm RD [43]
27 80 NA NA Lab maj Ker p Y–O 2 mm VPD [43]
28 84 NA NA L vulva V lesion NA NA NR [58]
29j NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [62]

AC associated condition, AO age of onset, B black, C Chinese, caul cauliflower-like, CHILD congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform nevus and limb defects, Col Columbian, demac demarcated, Dur duration, ENS epidermal nevus syndrome, ext gen external genitalia, FEP fibroepithelial polyp, gran granular, ind indurated, ing inguinal, inv inverted, J Japanese, ker keratotic, L left, Loc location, lab maj labia majora, lab min labia minora, LC lymphangioma circumscriptum, LMM leiomyomatosis of uterine corpus, LP lichen planus, LS lichen sclerosus, m months, mult multiple, NA not available, nod nodule, NR none reported, O orange, p papule, ped pedunculated, per perineum, poly polypoid, R red, RD radiodermatitis, Ref reference, SL severe lymphedema, v verrucous, VPD Vulvar Paget Disease, w with, wd well-demarcated, wl wart-like, y years

aThe age of onset was not given

bSize is reported as given in the case reports. This is measured in either in diameter, length × width, or length × width × height

cThis young girl developed multiple skin lesions 15 days after birth involving the right inguinal fold, gluteal fold, and leg. She also had lesions on her finger and toe nails and interdigital spaces [59]

dThis young girl had multiple small papules around the anus and on her left thigh. She had no other associated conditions, and was diagnosed with verruciform xanthoma. She was treated with topical imiquimod cream 5%, and the lesions almost entirely cleared 4 months after initiating treatment [50]

eThis Columbian girl was born with skin lesions. By the age of 19 months she had non-verrucous hypopigmented bands and streaks on her right arm. At 3 years old the lesion extended to her hand and fingers. At age 8 she had linear patches and plaques on the right side of her body from her neck to inguinal areas, along with hyperkeratotic and discolored fingernails and a linear band on her left middle finger extending to her nail [60]

fThe vulvar lesion was initially removed by CO2 laser ablasion, but it recurred 8 years later and was successfully treated with wide local excision [75]. This is a case of disseminated verruciform xanthoma. This woman had lesions on her plantar creases, lateral feet, dorsal surface of toes, palmar creases, dorsal aspect of third and fourth right fingers, a scaly plaque on her posterior right ear, multiple genital lesions, and a large plaque on the left inguinal fold [48]

gThis woman had disseminated verruciform xanthoma. She had a 20-year history of multiple 0.5–1 cm discrete hyperkeratotic plaques on the dorsal left food, medial calf, and medial and lateral left knee. She also developed lesions on the plantar left food, buccal mucosa, hard palate, left axilla, and left labia majora [53]

hThis woman had laser ablation of her lesion, but the lesion recurred 16 months following treatment. She then had surgical removal, but the removal was incomplete, and the verruciform xanthoma recurred 2 years later [43]

iDaimaru et al. described a case of verruciform xanthoma of the vulva. No other information was obtained [62]