Fig. 2.
The advantage of combining multimodal optical imaging approaches: retinal images demonstrating functional and structural signatures of a diabetic patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Similar signs of capillary dropout and retinal abnormalities are observed in retinal images from patients with cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases with ocular manifestations. Top: noninvasive capillary perfusion map (nCPM) in an eye with extensive retinal ischemia due to the PDR obtained with the Retinal Function Imager (RFI, Optical Imaging Ltd., Rehovot, Israel). The OCT thickness map is overlayed on top of the nCPM. Note how the areas of thinning (represented in blue color) on the OCT map overlap with the capillary dropout. Bottom: focal diabetic macular edema in the temporal part of the macula as seen on the macular thickness map (left) and the horizontal B-scan (right) corresponding to the blue section line on the map. (Images courtesy of William E. Smiddy, MD, Thalmon R. Campagnoli, MD, Jing Tian, Ph.D., and Gabor M. Somfai, MD, Ph.D., University of Miami, Miami, FL.)