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. 2017 Feb 17;19(2):e35. doi: 10.2196/jmir.6783

Table 3.

Care patterns.

Virtual RHCa UCCb EDc PCPd

n (%) n (%) P e n (%) P e n (%) P e n (%) P e
All-cause follow-up care within 21 days of index visit, all conditions

Outpatient evaluation and management visit 1302 (28.1) 3955 (28.6) .51 3525 (25.6) .001 4732 (34.2) <.001 3900 (28.1) .99

ED visit 61 (1.3) 223 (1.6) .16 368 (2.7) <.001 895 (6.5) <.001 255 (1.8) .02

Inpatient visit 7 (0.2) 39 (0.3) .12 57 (0.4) .01 133 (1.0) <.001 52 (0.4) .02
Lab tests within 21 days, all conditions 582 (12.6) 5089 (36.8) <.001 5367 (39.0) <.001 7356 (53.2) <.001 5192 (37.4) <.001

UTI 85 (20.6) 1085 (87.5) <.001 1189 (96.0) <.001 1222 (98.9) <.001 1095 (88.4) <.001

Pharyngitis 45 (15.8) 770 (90.2) <.001 719 (84.3) <.001 560 (65.8) <.001 627 (73.5) <.001

Sinusitis 185 (11.0) 949 (18.8) <.001 1243 (24.6) <.001 2351 (46.8) <.001 1302 (25.7) <.001

Bronchitis 40 (10.1) 285 (23.9) <.001 271 (22.7) <.001 648 (54.6) <.001 308 (25.8) <.001
Imaging rates within 21 days, all conditions 307 (6.6) 826 (6.0) .11 1207 (8.8) <.001 5960 (43.1) <.001 1563 (11.3) <.001

Cough 18 (11.4) 46 (9.7) .55 106 (22.4) .003 397 (84.6) <.001 111 (23.5) .001

Bronchitis 34 (8.6) 114 (9.6) .59 193 (16.2) <.001 844 (71.0) <.001 212 (17.8) <.001

UTI 34 (8.2) 85 (6.9) .35 132 (10.7) .16 763 (61.7) <.001 227 (18.3) <.001

URI 69 (8.1) 144 (5.7) .01 203 (8.0) .91 1067 (42.1) <.001 236 (9.3) .31

Sinusitis 90 (5.3) 287 (5.7) .59 358 (7.1) .01 2152 (42.8) <.001 497 (9.8) <.001
Antibiotic fill rates within 3 daysf

Any of the 6 infections below 1918 (70.5) 4193 (64.2) <.001 4243 (67.9) .02 3534 (56.7) <.001 4477 (68.2) .03

Sinusitis 971 (83.9) 2340 (86.3) .06 2084 (79.2) .001 1835 (67.8) <.001 2327 (82.9) .42

Pharyngitis 130 (74.3) 138 (29.6) <.001 236 (53.8) <.001 199 (46.4) <.001 249 (53.7) <.001

Bronchitis 191 (68.5) 278 (40.8) <.001 521 (76.4) .01 393 (62.1) .06 545 (78.1) .002

Conjunctivitis 157 (63.8) 463 (78.6) <.001 363 (64.9) .76 278 (51.8) .002 373 (61.1) .47

UTI 217 (76.4) 628 (90.5) <.001 473 (74.0) .44 419 (65.6) .001 415 (62.6) <.001

URI 252 (43.5) 346 (24.9) <.001 566 (43.7) .30 410 (31.9) <.001 568 (43.0) .82
Antibiotic type

Broad-spectrum antibiotic as first-line treatmentg 1219 (69.0) 2299 (60.0) <.001 2561 (66.3) .04 1961 (61.9) <.001 2704 (69.3) .82

aED: emergency department.

bPCP: primary care physician.

cRHC: retail health clinic.

dUCC: urgent care center.

eP values show level of significance of the differences between each location versus virtual visits.

fSample includes patients with the condition of interest and pharmacy coverage.

gSample includes patients with antibiotics fill without history of antibiotic use in prior 60 days.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure