Table 3.
Biomarkers in alphabetic order | Unit | Number of measurements | Mean of differences | CI mean | Upper limit of agreement | CI upper limit of agreement | Lower limit of agreement | CI lower limit of agreement |
Alpha-HBDH (Clotting Activator) | U/l | 133 | −1,143 | [−6.38; 4.095] | 59,928 | [50.857;69] | −62,214 | [−71.286; −53.142] |
Alpha-HBDH (Lithium Heparin) | U/l | 133 | 6,474 | [2.725; 10.223] | 50,189 | [43.695;56.682] | −37,241 | [−43.735; −30.748] |
Antithrombin III | U/l | 128 | −0,156 | [−0.858; 0.546] | 7,869 | [6.653;9.085] | −8,182 | [−9.397; −6.966] |
aPTT | sec. | 128 | −0,049 | [−0.318; 0.22] | 3,029 | [2.563;3.495] | −3,128 | [−3.594; −2.661] |
Calcium | mmol/l | 129 | 0,004 | [−0.001; 0.009] | 0,063 | [0.054;0.072] | −0,055 | [−0.064; −0.046] |
Chloride | mmol/l | 131 | −0,191 | [−0.424; 0.042] | 2,505 | [2.102;2.909] | −2,887 | [−3.29; −2.483] |
Creatin Kinase (CK) (Clotting Activator) | U/l | 133 | 0,15 | [−0.977; 1.278] | 13,301 | [11.348;15.254] | −13 | [−14.954; −11.047] |
Creatin Kinase (CK) (Lithium Heparin) | U/l | 133 | −0,895 | [−2.044; 0.255] | 12,509 | [10.518;14.5] | −14,298 | [−16.289; −12.307] |
Creatinine | mg/dl | 134 | −0,006 | [−0.01; −0.001] | 0,046 | [0.039;0.054] | −0,058 | [−0.066; −0.05] |
Fibrinogen | mg/dl | 128 | 2,438 | [−3.973; 8.848] | 75,743 | [64.639;86.847] | −70,868 | [−81.972; −59.764] |
Free Haemoglobin (Clotting Activator) | mg/l | 132 | −0,606 | [−2.528; 1.316] | 21,718 | [18.389;25.047] | −22,93 | [−26.259; −19.601] |
Free Haemoglobin (Lithium Heparin) | mg/l | 128 | −0,062 | [−1.729; 1.604] | 18,992 | [16.106;21.878] | −19,117 | [−22.003; −16.231] |
Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (GOT/AST) | U/l | 134 | 0,604 | [0.207; 1.001] | 5,252 | [4.564;5.939] | −4,043 | [−4.73; −3.355] |
Haemoglobin | g/dl | 131 | 0,005 | [−0.033; 0.044] | 0,45 | [0.383;0.517] | −0,439 | [−0.506; −0.373] |
INR | 128 | −0,003 | [−0.009; 0.002] | 0,059 | [0.05;0.069] | −0,066 | [−0.075; −0.056] | |
Leukocytes | 109/l | 131 | −0,005 | [−0.067; 0.057] | 0,713 | [0.605;0.82] | −0,722 | [−0.829; −0.615] |
Myoglobin | μg/l | 134 | −2,336 | [−4.019; −0.652] | 17,367 | [14.452;20.283] | −22,039 | [−24.954; −19.123] |
Potassium | mmol/l | 129 | 0,017 | [−0.013; 0.046] | 0,355 | [0.304;0.406] | −0,321 | [−0.372; −0.27] |
Sodium | mmol/l | 129 | 0,227 | [−0.011; 0.465] | 2,956 | [2.544;3.368] | −2,502 | [−2.914; −2.09] |
Thrombocytes | 109/l | 131 | 6,443 | [4.765; 8.12] | 25,85 | [22.944;28.755] | −12,964 | [−15.869; −10.059] |
Troponin I (Lithium Heparin) | μg/l | 134 | −0,009 | [−0.016; −0.002] | 0,072 | [0.06;0.084] | −0,091 | [−0.103; −0.079] |
Means of differences, standard deviations and confidence intervals between Groups of immediate analysis and analysis after mechanical stress and time delay. The estimated means of differences are always negligible with a small 95%-CI, i.e. mechanical stress does not produce a systematic bias but only random inaccuracy