Figure 2.
The effect of protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor on the nicotinic modulation of γ oscillations. (A,C) The extracellular field potential recordings from the CA3 stratum pyramidale, for the kainate alone (control, trace taken at a time point that γ oscillation was stable for 60 min after kainate), in the presence of PKA inhibitor, 10 μM H89 (40 min after H89), and after additional application of 1 μM nicotine (30 min after nicotine; A) or 100 μM nicotine (30 min after nicotine; C). (B,D) The power spectra corresponding to (A,C). (E) γ power as % of baseline γ power for control, in the presence of H89, and with additional application of 1 μM nicotine (n = 12) or 100 μM nicotine (n = 8).