Figure 8.
The effect of miR-26a/b on the regulating smad2 mRNA in KGN cells. (a) A sketch map describes predicted seed sequences of miR-26a/b in the conservative 3′-UTR of smad2 in several mammal species. (b) The transfection efficiency of overexpression vectors of miR-26a/b (pSUPER-miR-26a and pSUPER-miR-26b) was validated by RT PCR. (c, d, and e) The effects of pSUPER-miR-26a/b, miR-26a/b mimics, and miR-26a/b inhibitors on the smad2 mRNA level were identified in KGN cells, respectively. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, and ∗∗∗p < 0.001; all experiments were independently repeated three times.