Twist1-mediated regulation of CXCL12 expression is downstream of IKKα. (A) Immunoblotting (IB) of CXCL12 and IKKα (encoded by Chuk) from IPF fibroblasts incubated with siTwist1, siChuk, or both. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by a Newman–Keuls post hoc test unless otherwise indicated. (B) Band densitometry for IKKα (Chuk) (*p < 0.017, siControl1 plus siControl2 versus siControl1 plus siChuk and **p < 0.03, siTwist1 plus siControl2 versus siTwist1 plus siChuk, n = 3) and (C) CXCL12 (*p < 0.029, siControl1 plus siControl2 versus siTwist1 plus siControl2 and **p = 0.0002, siTwist1 plus siControl2 versus siTwist1 plus siChuk, n = 3). (D) IB for MAP3K1, phospho-IKKα/β, total IKKα, and CXCL12 following silencing of Twist1, MAP3K1, or both. (E–H) Band densitometry was performed for (D). (E) MAP3K1 (*p < 0.0001, siControl1 plus siControl2 versus siControl1 plus siMAP3K1 and **p < 0.0001, siTwist1 plus siControl2 versus siTwist1 plus siMAP3K1, n = 3). (F) Phospho-IKKα/β (*p < 0.031, siControl1 plus siControl2 versus siControl1 plus siMAP3K1, n = 3). (G) Total IKKα. (H) CXCL12 (*p < 0.0001, siControl1 plus siControl2 versus siControl1 plus siMAP3K1 and **p = 0.003, siControl1 plus siMAP3K1 versus siTwist1 plus siMAP3K1).