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. 2017 Feb 5;7(3):391–396. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.12188

Table 2.

Amino acid residues of the ligand‐binding sites of hRXRs and hRARs

F199 F199 F201
I268 I339 I269 F228 F228 F230
A271 A342 A272 L231 L231 L233
A272 A343 A273 S232 A232 A234
Q275 Q346 Q276 C235 C235 C237
N306 N377 N307 L266 L266 L268
L309 L380 L310 L269 L269 L271
I310 I381 I311 I270 I270 M272
S312 S383 S313 R272 R272 R274
F313 F384 F314 I273 I273 I275
R316 R387 R317 R276 R276 R278
L326 L397 L327 F286 F286 F288
A327 A398 A328 S287 S287 S289
V342 V413 V343 F302 F302 F304
I345 I416 I346 L305 L305 L307
C432 C503 C433 G391 G391 G393
H435 H506 H436 R394 R394 R396
L436 L507 L437 V395 V395 A397
F439 F510 F440 L398 L398 L400
M413 M413 M415
L414 L414 L416

Residues that differ between the subtypes are represented in bold face. The sequence alignments of hRXR and hRAR LBDs have been reported in Ref. 1.