Figure 3. Histone hyper-acetylation in the IL-6 promoter in synovial fibroblasts from OA patients.
ChIP assays were used to examine acetylated H3K9/K14 (A), H4K12 (B), HDAC1 (C), HAT1 (D), CBP (E) and p300 (F) occupancy in three regions of the IL-6 promoter in normal and OA SF. Silent (Chromosome 15) and active (GAPDH) chromatin regions were included as controls in the ChIP-qPCR experiments. The results were normalized to the percentage in the input control. Data are shown as the means ± SD. *p < 0.05, OA SF vs. normal SF. All of the data were obtained from 20 OA patients receiving knee-replacement surgery and 15 samples of non-arthritic synovial tissues obtained during arthroscopy.