(a) Ghd2 genomic organization. Exons are in black; 3′- and 5′-UTRs are in white; the transposable element (sMITE) is in grey; and the intron is indicated as a line. (b) Phenotypes of Ghd2-FLΔU overexpression and wild-type (WT'1) lines, Ghd2-FL overexpression and wild-type (WT'2) lines, and Ghd2-FLΔM overexpression and wild-type (WT'3) lines. GN, grain number of main panicle; GMP, grains of main panicle; HD, heading date (days); MP, main panicle; MPL, main panicle length (cm); PHD, phenotype of heading date at the maturation stage of WT. Scale bar: 1 m (PHD), 20 cm (MP), 10 cm (GMP). WT' indicates segregated non-transgenic lines. The data represent the means±s.d., n=20. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 (Student's t-test). (c) Quantitative expression of Ghd2 mRNA in Ghd2-FLΔU and WT'1; Ghd2-FL and WT'2; and Ghd2-FLΔM and WT'3 lines. The data represent the means±s.d., n=3. **P<0.01 (Student's t-test). (d) Ghd2 protein levels in Ghd2-FLΔU and WT'1; Ghd2-FL and WT'2; and Ghd2-FLΔM and WT'3 lines were measured by western blotting with an anti-Ghd2 antibody. Rubisco (Rbcs) was loaded as a control. The numbers between two blots indicate relative abundance of Ghd2 normalized by Rbcs for single samples.