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. 2016 Jul 17;25(9):1692–1709. doi: 10.1002/pro.2975

Table 2.

Data Collection and Refinement Statistics for Crystallography

Data collection
Space group P 2 21 21
Unit‐cell parameters
a, b, c (Å) 61.76, 88.62, 98.62
α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90
Wavelength (Å) 0.9537
Resolution range (Å)a 65.9–1.65 (1.68–1.65)
Unique reflectionsa 65830 (3221)
Completeness (%)a 100 (99.6)
Multiplicitya 7.1 (6.7)
R merge a, b 0.181 (1.261)
R pim a, c 0.073 (0.527)
Mean <I/σ(I)>a 9.3 (1.7)
CC1/2 a, d 0.994 (0.581)
Molecules per asymmetric unit 4
Solvent content (%, v/v) 43.8
Reflections used 62534
Resolution range (Å)a 65.92–1.65 (1.69–1.65)
R work/R free a, e 0.178/0.217 (0.295/0.375)
Number of atoms (all) 5032
Water molecules 654
Average B‐factor (Å2)
Main chains 17.9
Side chains 22.3
Water molecules 30.5
F420 molecules 22.9
R.M.S. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.019
Bond angles (°) 1.962
Ramachandran plot regions (%)
Favored 98.6
Allowed 1.4
Outliers 0

Values in parenthesis are for the highest‐resolution shell.


R merge = (Σh Σi|I h i – ⟨I h⟩|)/h ΣiI h⟩), where ⟨I h⟩ is the average intensity of i symmetry‐related observations of the unique refection h.


R pim =h Σi (1/(n h – 1))1/2 |I h i – ⟨I h⟩|)/(Σh ΣiI h⟩).


CC1/2 = linear correlation coefficient between intensities from random half‐datasets.


R work = Σh |F (obs)F (calc)|/Σh |F (obs)| and 5% of the data that were excluded from the refinement were used to calculate R free.