Figure 3. The inhibitory effect of MSCs on MDS cell proliferation is decreased when MMP1 is knocked down.
The RNAi efficiency of MMP1 in MSCs was assayed by (a) qPCR and (b) western blotting before co-culture with MDS cells. MMP1 shRNA (both sh1 and sh2) decreased MMP1 expression of MSCs. (c) The percentage of MDS cells in S phase was evaluated by the EdU assay after co-culture with MMP1-KD MSCs (MMP1-sh1 MSCs and MMP1-sh2 MSCs) or negative MSCs (transfected with control lentiviruses) for 72 h. (d) The percentage of apoptotic MDS cells was assayed by Annexin V/PI dual staining after co-culture with MMP1-KD MSCs or negative MSCs for 72 h. (Data represent the mean ± SEM from at least three independent experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).