Fig. 5.
BMP signaling acts on differential growth and intestinal diameter to determine loop morphology. Stress–strain curves from uniaxial tensile testing of gut tube (A) and dorsal mesentery (B) of E16 chicken embryos following infection with RCAS-GFP, RCAS-Bmp2, and RCAS-Noggin. (C) Transition strain ε* from uniaxial tensile testing of E16 dorsal mesentery. #P ≤ 0.05 compared with RCAS-GFP. (D) Tensile modulus of E16 dorsal mesentery (Em) and gut tube (Et). n = 5 per condition. (E and F) Comparison of experimentally measured (y axis) loop wavelength λ (E) and radius of curvature R (F) with scaling law predictions (x axis) for RCAS-GFP–, RCAS-Bmp2–, and RCAS-Noggin–infected E16 guts. (G) Contribution of each property in the scaling law to the predicted loop morphology for RCAS-Bmp2 and RCAS-Noggin.