Fig. S5.
Temperature dependence. (A) Schematic of the testing setup. (B) Compiled data showing the ϕ = 50% thermal conductivity stretch dependence for 0 °C, room temperature, and 60 °C (n = 5, error bars represent ±1 SD). Good agreement is observed between the three temperatures, with ky varying by an average of 8.3% from the room temperature measurement over all strains (maximum variation of 17% at 400% strain and 60 °C). (C) ΔT versus time of ϕ = 50% for the axial and transverse wire up to 400% strain in 100% strain steps. Data symbols represent the average, and the shaded areas correspond to the SD for the five measurements for each condition. Hotwire lengths can vary between tests, resulting in a nonmonotonic temperature change across strain steps. This is accounted for by q, the volumetric heating of the wire per unit length, when calculating thermal conductivity.