SOC1 inhibition of Chl degradation depends on a functional PPH. A, Dark-induced phenotypes of the attached leaves of different genotypes. soc1-6 pph-1 showed a stay-green phenotype similar to that of pph-1. Three-week-old plants were treated in darkness for 7 d before being photographed. B, Chl contents in the fifth and sixth rosette leaves of the plants shown in A. C, Dark-induced phenotypes of the detached leaves from different genotypes. soc1-6 pph-1 showed a stay-green phenotype similar to that of pph-1. The detached fifth and sixth leaves of 3-week-old plants were treated in darkness for 5 d. D, Chl contents in the detached leaves shown in C. In B and D, data are means ± sd of two biological repeats. Different letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.001 (one-way ANOVA). FW, Fresh weight.