Figure 4.
The checkpoint activated by the abo4-1 mutation is ATM-independent. A and B, HU sensitivity in wild type (Col-0), abo4-1, atm, and abo4-1 atm mutants. Plantlets were grown on half-strength MS for 4 d and transferred to control medium (full bars) or HU-supplemented medium (1 mM, dashed bars) for 9 d. A, Root length; values are average ± se obtained on at least 15 plantlets. B, Relative root growth; values are expressed as percentage of length on MS medium. C, qRT-PCR analysis of the expression of selected genes in abo4-1, atm, and abo4-1 atm mutants; values are average relative expression compared to the wild type ± sd. D, Zeocin sensitivity in wild type (Col-0), abo4-1, atm, and abo4-1 atm mutants. Plantlets were grown on half-strength MS for 4 d and transferred to control medium (full bars) or zeocin-supplemented medium (10 µM, dashed bars) for 9 d. D, Root length; values are average ± se obtained on at least 15 plantlets. E, Representative picture of plantlets grown on half-strength medium (mock), or grown on MS supplemented with zeocin (10 µM) for 6 d and allowed to recover for another 6 d. Arrowheads mark the position of the root tip. F, Relative fresh weight of plantlets after recovery. Values are average ± se from six replicates. In A, D, and F, different letters indicate statistically relevant differences (Student t test, P < 0.05).