CS-coupled increase in SS encoding. A, Firing maps illustrating an example of Purkinje cell SS modulation with velocity (VY) relative to CS discharge (t = 0). B, Encoding strength (R2) of VY both pre- (blue trace) and post-CS (red trace). C, Sensitivity (β) of the same Purkinje cell to VY both pre- (blue trace) and post-CS (red trace). D, Magnitude of the CS-coupled change in SS encoding strength as quantified by the difference between R2post − R2pre in the ±200 ms window (indicated by the light blue line) relative to the distribution of changes in encoding strength aligned to randomized CS times selected outside the actual CS window (gray bars). Light blue line (in this and subsequent figures) indicates the magnitude of the change in encoding (position along the x-axis) and not a probability (y-axis). E, CS-triggered average of VY (light blue trace) relative to the VY variability from CS-shuffled ISIs (mean ± 3 SDs, gray region). F, CS-triggered average of SS firing (blue trace) relative to the SS variability from CS-shuffled ISIs (mean ± 3 SDs, gray region). Note the brief firing rate reduction (t = 0) due to CS inactivation of the SS discharge. G, Distribution of additional CSs in the −200 to 200 ms intervals centered on CS occurrence (left axis, CS probability; right axis, CS count).