Figure 9.
The effect of excitotoxic lesions of the amygdala on expected and received reward encoding in OFC and MFC. A, Percentage of neurons encoding the expected and received reward value in OFC (top) and MFC (bottom) preoperatively and postoperatively. After removal of the amygdala, there was a slight reduction in the proportion of neurons encoding the value of expected and received reward in OFC and MFC. B, Percentage of neurons encoding the instrumental response in OFC (top) and MFC (bottom) preopeartively and postoperatively. Inset shows the percentage for individual subjects. After removal of the amygdala, there was an increase in the proportion of neurons encoding the response (left or right) in MFC, but not OFC. C, Percentage explained variance (PEV) associated with the instrumental response for each neuron in MFC recorded preoperatively (left) and postoperatively (right). Neurons are sorted according to when they were classified as being significantly modulated by the instrumental response. Lighter or “hotter” colors are associated with higher explained variance. *p < 0.05.