FIG. 5.
Phenotypes of transgenic N. benthamiana and N. tabacum expressing the βC1 gene of TYLCCNV-Y10 DNAβ. (A) Example of a severely abnormal plant. (B) Example of a moderately abnormal plant. (C) Example of a plant showing the recovered phenotype. The white arrow marks a curled leaf. (D) Distorted leaf from a severely abnormal plant. (E) Upward curling and blistering of leaves from a moderately abnormal plant. Left, top side; right, underside. (F) Examples of severely abnormal plants. (G) Distorted leaf from a severely abnormal plant. Left, top side; right, underside. (H) Curled leaf from a moderately abnormal plant. Left, top side; right, underside. (I) Interveinal protuberances and small interveinal tissue outgrowths on the underside of a leaf. (J) Enlarged view of a protuberance on the leaf underside.