Figure 3.
VSOP penetrate deeper layers of hippocampal slices.
Notes: (A) Bright field image of a hippocampal slice without VSOP treatment shows no PB staining. Furthermore, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was performed to reveal cytoarchitecture, CA, DG, SUB. (B) Using 48 h VSOP-R1 (3 mM) short-term treatment until 11 DIV and PB + H&E staining, iron or VSOP-loaded cells can be detected. Scale bar =200 μm. (C) Schematic drawing of the sectional planes (S1–S6) obtained by reslicing the hippocampal explants using a vibratome. S1 represents the closest slice to the semipermeable membrane, S6 is the furthest away; each slice is 30 μm thick. The green area indicates the CA region. (D–L) Selected vibratome sectional planes of an individual hippocampal slice treated with 3 mM VSOP-R1 for 48 h until 11 DIV after PB + H&E staining. Scale bar (D/G/J) =200 μm; scale bar (E/H/K) =100 μm; scale bar (F/I/L) =25 μm. (D) Overview of the S1 (0–30 μm) plane. (E) Section of (D black box) at a higher magnification shows several PB-labeled cells (black arrows). (F) Magnified section of (E) depicts VSOP-R1-loaded cells in detail. (G) Overview of the S3 (60–90 μm) plane. (H) Section of (G) at a higher magnification shows PB-labeled cells, where their quantity and staining intensity were decreased compared to S1. (I) Magnified section of (H). (J) Overview of the S3 (120–150 μm) plane. (K) Section of (J) at a higher magnification shows one PB-labeled cell. (L) Magnified section of (K).
Abbreviations: CA, cornu ammonis; DG, dentate gyrus; DIV, days in vitro; Neg, negative; PB, Prussian blue; SUB, subiculum; VSOP, very small superparamagnetic iron oxide particles.