Figure 3.
(A) Three-dimensional score plot of PCA on the NMR data collected from all brain extracts. The confidence ellipse (Hotelling’s T2) defines the region that contains 99% of the data. (B) Score plots of the PLS-DA on NMR data of Akp2+/+ versus Akp2+/− mice, Akp2+/+ versus Akp2−/− mice and Akp2+/− versus Akp2−/− mice. (C) Boxplots for adenosine (singulet at 8.33 ppm), GABA (triplet at 2.29 ppm) and cystathionine (triplet at 2.65 ppm). The ordinates of the boxplots represent normalized areas of NMR signals. Akp2+/+ are shown in blue, Akp2+/− in green and Akp2−/− in red.