Example Subcutaneous Adipose eQTL Genes at GWAS Loci
(A) The adipose eQTL of FST is coincident with the adiponectin GWAS locus ARL15.69 Regional association of variants with expression level of FST is shown with the GWAS variant rs6450176 plotted as the index (purple diamond). LD is colored on the basis of the METSIM population.
(B) Association between adiponectin level and FST expression level in METSIM.
(C) The adipose eQTL of RQCD1 is coincident with the USP37 GWAS locus for BMI.17 Regional association of variants with expression level of RQCD1 is shown with the eSNP rs4674320 (r2 = 1.0 with BMI index SNP rs492400) plotted as the index.
(D and E) Association between (D) BMI and RQCD1 expression level in humans from the METSIM study and (E) body fat and Rqcd1 expression level in mice from the HMDP study.